Short Bio

I am a high school senior currently attending Cold Spring Harbor Junior/Senior High School. My interests are in the practical application development side of computer science, which includes the creation of intuitive and appealing interfaces. Currently I am under the mentorship of Prof. Michael Schatz, Simons Center for Quantitative Biology in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). Beyond research, I develop iOS applications (mostly games), many of which are available on the App Store.

Research Interests

I am interested in making software that is easy-to-use for the common person even if it will not typically be used by the common person. Currently, I am working on an iOS application for short-read alignment and analysis that is optimized for and takes advantage of all the features contained in a touch-screen, mobile device like an iPhone or iPad.

Latest News

  • iGenomics is almost ready for deployment on the Apple App Store.

  • iGenomics: Mobile DNA Sequence Analysis

Research Competitions

    1. Long Island Science and Engineering Fair (LISEF)
      1. 2nd Round, Fourth Place

Paper Review
  • Paper pertaining to iGenomics will be submitted shortly

Previous Projects

Aspyn Palatnick
Simons Center for Quantitative Biology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
One Bungtown Road
Koch Building rm1123
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724